Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tea Party anyone?

Modest Threadz is up and running, ready to take the holidays! It's been a while since the blog has been updated. The truth is, I've been a little busy fighting for our rights as American Citizens. It may not be a secret that I am proud to be a conservative American. With each passing day I am amazed and shocked at the direction that our country is going. I am not a confrontational person, just a mom looking out for the best interest of our kids. And yet I find myself on the defensive more and more these days pushing back all the change that I didn't sign up for.

I had the great opportunity to attend the Tea Party in Washington DC with my good Friend on September 12, 2009. It was an incredible event! I have never been around so many genuinely nice, fed up people in all my life. I am so grateful to be an American with rights to gather, speak, and protest. I pray that our Country can make it through these tough times. I believe in the American Spirit, but we have never faced problems to this magnitude before. This will certainly be a test of our convictions.
In honor of the Tea Parties and our noble country, I have added a new category to the store. Conservative Tees. Take a look, and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jesus is Watching You

It's time to say goodbye to Summer vacation. Hopefully, goodbye to 100 degree days and constant "I'm bored" declarations. I, for one, am ready to get back to schedules and early to bed. A little time to play with my friends again while the poor kids are slaving away at school.
In looking back over our summer activities, I wouldn't trade the memories for anything. Road trips, family reunions, swimming, and barbecues are what summer is made of. This year, as we traveled from Lehi, Utah to San Antonio, Texas we came across this picture. I thought it was so funny and well placed that we turned around a few times to get a good picture of it. (As if 22 hours in the car with four kids isn't long enough, what's another 10 minutes?)

The sign says, "Jesus is watching you" and it is posted right outside an "Adult" video store.
While I am sure that the sign was strategically placed there to deter unwholesome activities, I pondered the thought of "Jesus is watching you".
I believe He is watching all of us. And I hope that this knowledge of His watchful eye is more of a reassurance than that of guilt. As I send my children off to school this year, I hope that they believe with all of their hearts, that Jesus and our Father in Heaven is watching them and watching over them. That they needn't ever have a lonely moment, or feel insecure with who they are, or what they stand for. With or without the brand name clothing that some kids so desperately want, they need to know and be comfortable with who they are inside, and not be afraid to let it shine.
We live in a time when what we are wearing, or not wearing, says volumes about us before we even open our mouths. What is the statement that we are making when we dress ourselves and our kids? Are we saying "I've got money, and I'm not afraid to use it!" or "I am happy with myself, I don't need tags to define me." Are we allowing brand names to speak for us, or are we confident enough to make our own statement? Please don't misunderstand, I am not saying we should never wear a designer label. But my point is, I hope we don't attach our self worth to the brands that we clothe ourselves and loved ones with. We are all loved children of the Most High God. That is the label that we should strive to portray. And we can be proud that Jesus is watching us as we represent Him.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A favor asked of Americans

Hello America,

Here it is, another Fourth of July. Traditionally, this is a day to gather with friends, maybe fire up the barbeque and play with kids until the sun sets and the fireworks start. But in thinking back on the meaning behind this day, we must never forget that our nation was baptized in the blaze of a very different kind of "fireworks." Yes, this is a day of rest and relaxation, as well it should be, but this year…I'd like to ask you a favor. At some point during the day, I hope you'll take time to think and reflect on what it is we're truly celebrating on the 4th of July -- our Independence Day. Of course the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776 but it's so much more than that. On this day, 233 short years ago, a small group of men dedicated themselves to a higher purpose, an ideal they believed in so greatly, they signed their name to its expression and in doing so put their very lives at risk. Never has a simple act of signing one's name carried such weight, such a profound commitment. By signing the Declaration of Independence, 56 men stood in direct defiance of the British government. They became marked men, and willingly so. As I was doing some research on the significance of July 4th, I came across some interesting facts about these men. Today as we all enjoy the freedom our forefathers guaranteed us, join me in honoring the extraordinary sacrifice of 56 extraordinary Americans.Of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence:Five were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes burned to the ground. Two lost sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, and two more had sons captured. Nine fought and died in the Revolutionary War.

If you ever feel like your lone voice can never be heard, that the political system isn't set up for "regular" Americans to change the course of history, remember: The signers were flesh and blood, mortal men with a divinely-inspired aim. Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists, eleven were merchants, and nine were farmers and large plantation owners. They were well educated, smart enough to know that by signing the Declaration of Independence, they were signing their own death warrants. They did it anyway, and God bless them for it. As we enjoy our liberty on this 4th of July, or any day of any month, we must never take that liberty for granted. Too many have given too much. In the words of the Signers themselves, "For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor -- I think that's a price paid worth a few minutes of reflection, don't you? But let's not be solemn in that reflection. I say rejoice and share this information with your friends and family, especially your kids. The Signers asked for nothing in return for their pledge, but I say that we show our thanks with a pledge of our own: To remember, to be grateful, and to carry on in their spirit. America is the greatest country this world has ever and will ever know, and it will stay that way so long as "we the people" remember that just like in 1776. It's US that surrounds them, and we'll never back down.

Happy Independence Day, and God bless America.

This plea was written by someone that I consider a modern day hero. I couldn't have written it any better, so I added it to the blog exactly as written. I hope it inspires you as much as it has me. God Bless America!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Inner and Outer

Summer is flying by! Blogging for Modest Threadz has taken a back seat to playing with my four precious children. In our adventures, we have been to the local Six Flags several times. It's hot in San Antonio, especially at this time of the year. People tend to want to take off layers when it reaches 100 plus. There are many times I've had to divert my children's eyes, to prevent emotional scaring!
Last week while waiting in line for a ride, I was observing a pair of teen girls in front of us. I noticed how beautiful they were. As I watched them, trying not to be obvious, I realized why they stood out from the crowd. Their countenances reflected that they knew who they were. They didn't seem as though they were trying to draw attention to their bodies by wearing revealing, flashy clothes. Their actions, and words were not loud and boisterous, but genuinely happy. I found irony in that while almost everyone around us was reckless and rowdy and wearing clothing that seemed to scream "Look at Me!" these girls were the ones that stood out. In their modesty, they were the ones that I noticed, their true beauty out shined all around them.
It is true we all crave affection and adoration. We want people to like us and notice us, but there is something to be said about inner beauty. Inner beauty cannot be masked or faked, and when it is genuine, it shines outward, making our countenances shine!
I would love to hear stories from you. Do you have any experiences that you would like to share about inner beauty? Please share!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Lessons of Summer

Summer has arrived. In looking forward to summer, I always envision lazy days at the pool, all-day trips to the local amusement park with the kids, sitting on the back porch swing with a popsicle or lemonade... Then reality hits.

There is still laundry, meals to be prepared, house to clean, errands to run, on top of keeping the kids from saying the dreaded words..."I'm bored".

But such is the life of a full time mother during summer break.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Being a mother is, in my opinion, the most challenging, and most rewarding job there is. The monetary pay may not be so great, but the rewards are endless. It's amazing how we are teaching our children, even when we don't realize it. Weather we are having a hard day and our voices raise a notch or two, or ten.. or if we are having a great day, enjoying the journey of life with our children. Our actions, words and behaviors are being watched by the ones who matter most, and being mirrored. Scary thought.

I learned a valuable lesson this past week. This may tell a lot about me, but I confess, I am a talk radio junkie. If there is a radio within my control, I will be listening my favorite conservative talk show host, Glenn Beck. The other day, my 5 year old said, "Mom, who was our bishop before Glenn Beck?"

In our faith, we have a Bishop that presides over our congregation, and no, it isn't Glenn Beck. But I did start to wonder, if maybe I should turn the radio down more often and listen to the wisdom of innocence. They have a lot to teach me, if I will listen. Yes, there are lots of lessons to be learned in the summer. And not all of them are lessons for the children.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Arrivals and New Markdowns

Congratulations to Nanette Deal, the winner of $29.99 credit in the store. She suggested the "Texas Bluebonnet" as the name for our new dress in the Junior's department. The Texas girl in me loves the name as much as the dress!

The Texas Bluebonnet is a flirty, lightweight dress, easy to wear and care for. And this patriot is proud to say "Made in America".
In this picture, the Texas Bluebonnet is shown with the "Have a Ball" underslip. Adding a soft, dainty hemline and even more personality!

I have been working hard on our Plus Size department. Searching diligintly for modest, tasteful fashions to bring to our customers. I am so happy to have found the "Pink Pleasures" blouse.
I like the hint of shimmer sewn into the fabric, coupled with the tailored cut of the blouse.
To make sizing easier, I have added detailed measurements.

We need to make some space for the newbies! We have some great deals on some classics. Check out the clearance department to see if there is anything that appeals to you.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One of my favorite responsiblities in my job is naming our products. The problem is, I wouldn't count creativity as one of my greatest gifts. I am always asking friends, family, whomever will listen to me for advice on what I should name a particular item.

We just received a beautiful summer dress, that I will call Blue Summer Dress for now. I am asking for advice from my customers, browsers, readers, or whomever will listen to me; What should we name this beautiful blue summer dress? Leave a comment as to what you think it should be. If I choose your name, you will win a gift voucher to use in the store worth $29.99. You must have an account created so that I will know how to reach you.